Healthy Living
My goal is to help you create a healthier lifestyle by providing you with information, tips, tools, and recipes that you can incorporate into your daily routine!
WELLNESS: The wellness of children and youth is of paramount importance to our society. The program’s goal is to lay a foundation to help ensure the lives of children are healthy for their vibrant and strong future. The program includes a Health + Wellness journal to reinforce routine and provide daily check-in as it relates to self-care.
HEALTH/NUTRITION: Providing children with the knowledge and life skills to build healthy habits is essential. Healthy nutrition is fundamental to overall health and wellness. The educational cooking videos cover; reading labels, healthy nutrition, cooking terms, measuring, review of kitchen tools, safety tips, dietary alternatives, and more!
Wellness Classes begin mid-April 2021
Join us for our weekly virtual wellness classes. I’ll introduce you to health & wellness professionals who will share their knowledge on best practices to live a healthier, happier and stress free lifestyle. The classes are for children and families to enjoy. Classes will be taped so you can access them at any time.
Sign up for news and updates!
Happy Living Tips
These are important elements to incorporate into your lifestyle.
Being healthy is about more than just eating good food. These tips will help you be balanced, healthy and happy.
Be grateful for everything and everyone.
Doing things that you enjoy daily.
Use your creativity: sing, draw, paint, make a craft, etc…
Get regular physical activity and get outside
Aim for 30-60 minutes of physical activity on most, preferably all days of the week. Include strengthening exercise 2+ times per week to maintain healthy lean body weight. Spend less time watching TV/Computer screen.
Take time daily for spiritual renewal
Plan a quiet time each day to read, pray, meditate, and seek spiritual renewal. A heart primed with gratitude, forgiveness, and service helps you soar over life’s difficulties and challenges.
Get adequate rest daily
People with the best health and longevity get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. Taking time for daily relaxation and recreation is also helpful to the body and mind.
Maintain a cheerful, hopeful
outlook on life
Choose to see the bright side of life. Be happy. Laugh a lot. Pass on joy and hope to those you work and live with daily. Get help if you feel sad and depressed for extended periods of time.
Spend quality time with family or friends daily
Supportive relationships build strong hearts and happy minds. Practice a spirit of friendship, love, and acceptance. Share kindness with someone you live or work with daily.

Eat more plant-based foods and achieve/maintain a healthy weight
Aim for at least 5 (up to 9 is recommended) servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Limit fatty meats and high cholesterol foods. Peas, beans, nuts, and soy foods are good sources of plant proteins. Limit highly refined cereals such as white bread, pastry, white rice, and sugary cereals.
Learn more about Our Happy & Healthy Journal. A great way to keep track of our health and wellness.
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